4-R Model
Reframing, setting a new framework and strategic direction
Restructuring is one of the most complicated and dangerous phases of the transformation process. Once new visions and perspectives have been created through reframing, processes, structures and systems must be adapted to the new goal in the restructuring phase.
Revitalizing, new personal skills and abilities must be created. In addition, a culture must develop that allows new, innovative sources to be drawn upon.
Renewing, renewal, new skills, abilities, structures, processes and the other changes in a holistically shared self-image of the organization must be transferred.
Newly created values and convictions must become part of the self-image of every part of the organization and generate a basic motivation. In this way, the company can continue to develop healthily from this point onwards.
Insights: potential not fully exploited as data usage is insufficiently guaranteed
How far are your digitization projects?
Digitization: redundant processes can be avoided, quality increased and costs reduced.
Were you able to determine your level of digital maturity and set further goals?
What is your turnover rate like?
The New Work approach makes it easier to retain staff and attract new (nursing) staff.
How can the staff be relieved in the long term through a digitized process?

Healthcare Staffing Issues
Figures show that the health sector is facing a dramatic shortage of care in the coming years and decades, which endangers the well-being of people. In order to recruit new staff and retain existing staff, improvements in working conditions are necessary, especially in nursing.

Digitaliserung in der PflegE
Nursing 4.0 – Digitalisierung in der Pflege - Administrative Entlastung und Qualitätssicherung (German)
Hintergrund: Die digitale Pflegedokumentation umfasst als wesentlicher Teil des elektronischen Patientendossiers, vor allem die Planung und Dokumentation von Massnahmen zur Versorgung Pflegebedürftiger sowie deren Abrechnung, aber auch die Organisation der Arbeitsabläufe und Dienstplangestaltung von Pflegenden. Die berufliche Austrittsrate liegt bei 21,9 % (Merçay et al., 2021). Häufig werden der administrative Aufwand und der Zeitdruck als Austrittsgründe genannt. Ziel: Pflegende sollten durch weitere Digitalisierungsschritte nachhaltig entlastet werden. Eine Reifegradbestimmung ermöglicht weitere Entwicklungsschritte.
D stands for Dissatisfaction, V for Vision and F for First Steps and First Successes. The R stands for resistance.
Dissatisfaction, vision and first steps/ successes must therefore be perceived as greater and more powerful than the resistance.
Political change and framework conditions in times of crisis
Fiscal policy and its impact based on the assumptions of John Maynard Keynes, the state should primarily influence aggregate demand in order to improve employment in the economy. Government spending and government revenues are to be directed countercyclically, i.e. against the business cycle.